Controlling Healthcare with Chris Wolpert

In Rockstars Rocking Podcast by Ryan Miller

This episode of the #RockstarsRocking podcast features my rockstar friend, Chris Wolpert, Founder, Group Benefit Solutions, and Best-Selling Author, NextGeneration Healthcare, out of the Greater Seattle, WA area.  I’ve known Chris for many years now and he’s on a mission to eliminate employee out-of-pocket costs while guiding them to the highest quality healthcare.  I love how Chris asks the following …

The Insurance Industry Antagonist with Kevin Trokey

In Rockstars Rocking Podcast by Ryan Miller

This episode of the #RockstarsRocking podcast features my rockstar friend, Kevin Trokey, Founding Partner and Coach, Q4intellignce, out of the Greater St. Louis, Missouri area.  I met Kevin many years ago and have been fascinated with his marketing mind and how he applies it to the exciting world of insurance and employee benefits.  Kevin believes deeply that when employee benefit …

The Umpire Is OUT! with Dale Scott

In Rockstars Rocking Podcast by Ryan Miller

This episode of the #RockstarsRocking podcast features my rockstar friend, Dale Scott, Former 32 Year Major League Baseball (MLB) Professional Umpire, out of Eugene, Oregon.  It all started with a “Cameo” request I made to have Dale cheer up my father who was diagnosed with C19. Dale was kind enough to send an incredible get well soon video to my …

Go-Givers Read “Steel Fear” with John David Mann

In Rockstars Rocking Podcast by Ryan Miller

This episode of the #RockstarsRocking podcast features my rockstar friend, John David Mann, Multi-time International Best-Selling Author, out of the Zephyrhills, Florida area.  There would be no ‘Go-Giver’ series of international best-selling books without John David Mann and his equally brilliant co-Author, Bob Burg. I, and millions of other loyal fans around the world, are so grateful to both rockstars …

Never Pay The First Bill with Marshall Allen

In Rockstars Rocking Podcast by Ryan Miller

This episode of the #RockstarsRocking podcast features my rockstar friend, Marshall Allen, Author, Never Pay The First Bill, and Healthcare Reporter, ProPublica, out of the New York, New York area. This week, I’m excited to have Marshall Allen talk all about his new, soon-to-be best-selling book (in my opinion) – “Never Pay The First Bill: and Other Ways to Fight …

Lessons From The Soccer Pitch with Brian Covey

In Rockstars Rocking Podcast by Ryan Miller

This episode of the #RockstarsRocking podcast features my rockstar friend, Brian Covey, VP, loanDepot, Olympic Soccer Pro, Best Selling Author, and Podcast Host, out of the Nashville Metro area. How do you go from pro soccer player to VP of one of the largest mortgage companies in America – more importantly what did Brian learn along the way, the answer …

Street Smarts Over Book Smarts with Andrew McNeil

In Rockstars Rocking Podcast by Ryan Miller

This episode of the #RockstarsRocking podcast features my rockstar friend, Andrew McNeil, Principal at Arrow Benefits Group and Founder of BenefitsTV, out of the San Francisco Bay area. I first met Andrew at one of the largest employee benefits industry conferences in Las Vegas, Nevada. The conference is hosted annually by EBA (Employee Benefit Adviser) magazine and there, Andrew was …

Hero Selling with David Saltzman

In Rockstars Rocking Podcast by Ryan Miller

This episode of the #RockstarsRocking podcast features my rockstar friend and podcast mentor from afar, David Saltzman, Host of the ShiftShapers Podcast and Chief Transformation Strategist at ShiftShapers Strategies, out of Knoxville, TN.  David’s podcast, ShiftShapers, was the very first podcast I ever listened to and really gave me the thought that I may want to start my own podcast …

The Shy Cover Model with Ed Ligonde

In Rockstars Rocking Podcast by Ryan Miller

This episode of the #RockstarsRocking podcast features my rockstar friend, Ed Ligonde, Executive Vice President, Nielsen Benefits Group, out of the Westlake Village, CA.  I first met Ed a few years ago at one of the largest conferences in the country that focuses on the employee benefits and insurance industry. Ed was receiving the prestigious “Rising Star” award in the …

Leading A Sales Rebellion with Dale Dupree

In Rockstars Rocking Podcast by Ryan Miller

This episode of the #RockstarsRocking podcast features the ‘Sales Rebellion’ himself, Dale Dupree, Founder and CEO, The Sales Rebellion and Host of the Selling Local Podcast, out of the Orlando, Florida area. I first learned of Dale Dupree and his rebellious ways via his thought provoking long form post messages on Linkedin. From there, I had the opportunity to hear …