BENEFITS AT WORK With Stephanie Schomer

In Rockstars Rocking Podcast by Eric Silverman

This episode of the #RockstarsRocking podcast features Rockstar Stephanie Schomer, Editor-In-Chief of Employee Benefit News at Arizent, out of New York City.

We dive right into our interview with Stephanie talking about how she came to be the Editor-In-Chief of Employee Benefit News and why it’s the best job in journalism. We then discuss company culture, navigating the remote vs return to office debate, the new focus on mental health in the workplace, and how Employee Benefits can help all of those. We finish up with a sneak peek into the upcoming BENEFITS AT WORK conference, and what folks can expect to see, hear, and experience there.

So, are you ready for more? Go ahead and grab your favorite ice-cold beverage and tap that play button, to tune in to this week’s edition of the #RockstarsRocking podcast.


Episode Highlights:

  • Becoming Editor In Chief at Employee Benefit News and why it’s the best job in journalism.
  • The importance of company culture and doing the best for your employees no matter your budget
  • Navigating the remote vs. in office work changes and what that means for recruiting and retention
  • The explosion of mental health discussions in the workplace and wanting to offer support through employee benefits
  • Women in the workplace and their changing needs since Covid
  • The brand-new BENEFITS AT WORK Conference Sept. 27th – 29th bringing employers and industry leaders together

So, I only have one question for you…?

Are you ready to rock…?!

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