Have you ever seen, around Thanksgiving, a TV commercial for the local car dealer that says, “Come in for a test drive, and receive a free 30-pound turkey. No purchase necessary.”? There’s a reason they make those crazy offers. It works, and it happens all the time. In the insurance world, I encourage advisers to follow suit — within their …
Defined contribution = benefits shopping spree
The concept of defined contribution (DC) is not widely used in the enhanced, or voluntary, benefit space. But communicated properly, approaching enhanced benefits from the DC perspective is a powerful and innovative tool that brokers can bring to their clients. I start the conversation by asking employers, “Why do you pay for benefits such as life, dental, vision and disability?” …
Finding sales partners in unexpected places
Working late one evening, my office cleaning guy, Jeff, popped in to tidy up. He had been cleaning my office for nearly a year, but I never see him since he usually does my space last. While he was cleaning, I struck up a conversation with him about how his business operates. I found out that he works alone and …